Geothermal Systems Work By Harnessing Earth’s Natural Energy
Using an electrically powered unit (the geothermal heat pump) and a simple system of pipes with a water solution in it (the ground loops) energy is transferred to and from the earth. This energy can be harnessed in two ways - to transfer heat from the ground to your house in the winter or to more easily absorb heat from your house back to the ground in the summer. This is possible due to the consistent temperature of the ground below the frostline which remains approximately 55 degrees.
No Fossil Fuels, No Combustion
Geothermal does not require the burning of oil, propane or natural gas - all of which are resources that are limited and should be preserved. Using electricity, water and the natural temperature of the earth -geothermal presents a cleaner, safer and more sustainable way to both heat and cool your home.
Ground Loops
Ground loops are the pipes that run from your heat pump, then outside down below the frostline and then back up to your heat pump. Inside these pipes is a special water solution.
When the air is cold, heat transfers to this solution from underground where it is warmer. That warmed up water is taken to your heat pump and that is where the geothermal heating magic happens. In summer, the underground temp is cooler, so the process is reversed. Instead, heat is transferred back to the ground and the water solution is cooled down.
There are a few different configurations for the ground loops - vertical wells and horizontal wells. Which is right for your system depends on a few different factors including your land availability. Vertical wells are typical for upstate New York and placement of wells and materials used for the pipes are important. Having an experienced geothermal installer and well driller will help ensure that your system works properly. Since Catskills Geothermal is also a licensed well driller with our own rigs and drills, this also helps us pass on the savings to our customers.
Geothermal Heat Pump
The heat pump concentrates and vaporizes the water solution. The compressor increases the pressure of the vapor and this process raises its temperature. No combustion or burning is needed, making this a safer and cleaner operation. The heat from the vapor is then transferred to the air that moves through a duct system and delivers that heat throughout your home. Nothing has to be wasted. Extra heat generated that would normally be disposed of, you can choose an option to divert that heat to your hot water heater bringing you even more savings.
This system is more efficient than traditional heating systems because it isn’t transforming frigid winter air to a cozy temperature. It is easier to warm water up from 55° to 70° than it to warm up air that is 22°. In the summer, the same principle applies. It is easier to transfer heat from your house to the ground where that heat can be absorbed easily rather than forcing it back into the already heat saturated summer air.
Choosing The Right Heat Pump
There are a lot of choices when it comes to a heat pump but only a few companies put out a truly reliable and time tested product in our opinion. We prefer WaterFurnace, one of the most respected names in geothermal. WaterFurnace is located in Indiana and has been in business for over 35 years. Their heat pumps have proven their performance and reliability not only in our installs, but in all 50 states and also internationally.
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